In aceasta zi din viata ta, cred ca Dumnezeu vrea ca tu sa știi... ziua in care te-ai nascut a fost o zi minunata pentru toti cei
care te cunosc acum - si chiar si pentru intreaga omenire.
De ce? Deoarece esti extraordinar de special. Deoarece esti:
Iubire personificata,
Intelepciune exprimata,
Grija si Compasiune manifestate
Curaj dezvaluit.
Deoarece esti Omenirea in forma ei cea mai buna si nu vor
gasi pe nimeni mai bun decat tine. Este adevarat.
Iar daca nu stii acest lucru, atunci inseamna ca nu stii Cine si Ce Esti.
Asa ca, astazi, creeaza o cale sa afli Cine si Ce Esti cu adevarat.
(creând o modalitate de a o arăta)
Cu dragoste, prietenul tau
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that that the day of your birth was a wonderful day for
all who now know you -- and even for all of humanity.
Why? Because you are so incredibly special. Because
you are Love, personified. Wisdom, expressed. Caring
and Compassion, demonstrated. Courage, revealed.
Because you are Humanity At Its Best. They don't get
any better than you. Truly. And if you do not know this,
then you do not know Who and What You Are.
So today, create a way to know that.
(By creating a way to show that...)
Love, Your Friend
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